Lent challenge

Lent 2025

This year, Lent begins on March 5th (Ash Wednesday) and ends on Sunday, April 20th, with Easter. We are excited to announce that the churchwide 40 Days of Lent Challenge is back, and they are taking a slightly different approach this year! Everyone is encouraged to get the whole family involved, as this year’s challenge revolves around taking and posting photos on social media. It’s a fun and creative way to stay engaged during the Lenten season while staying connected with the church family!

Here’s how it works: Each Monday through Saturday during Lent, participants will receive a text or email with the day’s theme, scripture, and examples of photos that might inspire them. As they go about their day, they are encouraged to keep their phone or camera handy to capture the perfect photo that reflects the day’s theme. Then, they can post their photo on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Participants may choose to share a brief explanation of how their photo relates to the theme, include the scripture, or simply post the photo and let it speak for itself. The choice is theirs—there’s no right or wrong way to do it because this is their creative process.

The church encourages everyone to share their photos! Be sure to tag Community Reformed Church on Facebook, or use the hashtag #WeAreCRCLent2025 on Instagram. The church looks forward to seeing all the meaningful photos from everyone’s Lent experience!

Click HERE to receive the daily text messages for the challenge.