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Wednesday night and thursday classes
Kari Cosens and Paula Musilek will be leading a transformative Bible Study, Elijah by Priscilla Shirer. This study focuses on the powerful ways God can move in our lives when we are willing to do the necessary hard work to reach that magnificent outcome.
Class Details:
Dates/Times: September 18 - October 30 from 6 - 7:30pm.
About the Class: Elijah invites us to summon the boldness and faith required to stand firm in challenging circumstances, just as Elijah did on Mount Carmel. This study explores how strength of faith, character, and boldness are forged in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitudes and adversity. As you patiently wait on God in the darkness, your faith will be strengthened, your courage emblazoned, and your belief in Him set afire.
Click HERE to sign up!
Pastor Chip Sauer will be leading a Transformational Leadership Pathways 1 - The Values of Jesus. This is the first class in a series of TLP courses.
Class Details:
Dates/Time: September 18 - November 20 from 6 - 7:30 p.m.
About the Class: TLP Part 1 – The Values of Jesus will be offered beginning Wednesday, September 18th from 6:00-7:30pm. This class will meet weekly on Wednesdays (6:00-7:30pm) and last for ten weeks ending on Wednesday, November 20th. The focus of this class is on growing our commitment to live as Jesus lived. We will be looking at taking responsibility, courage, discipleship, authenticity, integrity, curiosity, and courage. The class will include homework, coaching, a small group, and a commitment to connect with Christ daily. You can sign up with Chip (sauerchip@gmail.com) or through the church office. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Chip with any questions.
Click HERE to sign up!
Kate Chanda will be leading a Transformational Leadership Pathways 3, also known as TLP 3. This class is limited to 6 participants so please register early.
Class Details
Dates/Time: September 18 - November 20 from 6 - 7:30 PM
Prerequisites: TLP 1 and 2
About the Class: TLP 3 helps you discover family patterns of behavior you learned as a child and often continue into your adult relationships. You will learn to recognize your unhelpful/unhealthy patterns of behavior and how to grow into who God designs you to be in your relationships. With God's help, it is possible to restore and grow in our relationships.
Click HERE to sign up!
Pastor Chris Maki will be leading Spiritual Disciplines. Together you will practice new and old disciplines that will give you space in your life to connect more deeply with God. This class is limited to 6 participants so please register early.
Class Details:
Dates/Time: Thursday, September 26 - November 14 at 10 a.m.
About the Class: Have you ever wanted to learn about the spiritual disciplines that will help you draw closer to Jesus but thought they are only for the super religious? The truth is, spiritual disciplines are for all of us! This class is not going to lean heavily on reading, studying, and knowing the disciplines but rather practicing them together. Each week you will both learn and practice a spiritual discipline together for 1 hour and then you are asked to practice it on your own each week. When the group gathers again they will both share if/how God showed up in your private practice before we learn the new practice.
Click HERE to sign up!
Join us on Wednesday nights in the SON room from 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. for an exciting time where kids of all ages come together to learn and grow in their faith. We'll be using the best-selling curriculum "All Together Now," which offers life-changing adventures and meaningful Bible lessons tailored for mixed-age groups.
Kids will engage in fun games, enjoy tasty treats, and explore the teachings of Jesus in a welcoming environment. This fall, we're introducing new games that promise to be both fun and faith-building.
Our first Wednesday will be extra special with Rice Krispie Day, where kids can vote for their favorite Rice Krispie recipe! Come join us for a night filled with learning, laughter, and delicious treats. The Fall Wednesday night program runs each Wed. from September 18 - November 20th.
Calling all 5th-8th graders! Join us in the Youth Room on Wednesday nights starting September 18th for an exciting 10-week journey filled with fun, food, and friendship. We’ll kick off each evening with dinner, then dive into a night of games, laughter, and meaningful lessons about why you are “Set Apart” for something greater. It’s the perfect opportunity to make new friends and reconnect with old ones in a welcoming and energetic environment. The only promise we can make is that you’ll want to keep coming back week after week. Don’t miss out—see you there!
We offer a fully staffed nursery for kiddos birth - 4 years old on Wednesday nights during class time.