Dear CRC Family,
Here at Community Reformed Church we want to care for our congregation in all respects, including the physical well-being of our community. To that end, we are asking you to take precautions to keep yourself and others safe, especially in light of recent developments with the coronavirus (COVID-19). In consideration of Governor Whitmer declaring a state of emergency in Michigan and mediatory recommendations including limiting large gatherings to prevent spread of the disease, we've determined appropriate actions and next steps. In light of this, we are cancelling all church activities until after Sunday, April 5th. This may change as more information comes to light, but for now, we will not have worship services, Wednesday night classes, or any larger group gatherings at church. The Breakfast Club will not provide a sit down meal, but instead will offer meals for pick up from 8am-9am on Tuesdays and Fridays until April 7th.
We have decided to move our Sunday services to an online format for this Sunday, March 15th. We will offer a worship experience beginning at 9am this Sunday, March 15th including the message, "Faith in Anxious Times." We will make our service content available on Facebook Live at 9:00am and later that day on our YouTube channel. (We'll send out a link to our channel via email or text. Please subscribe.) This is not an inconvenience but an invitation and a calling for us as God's church to worship as believers have for millenia - in homes, surrounded by family, loved ones, and smaller communities. Because online connection will be vital during this time, please LIKE our Facebook page - "Community Reformed Church of Charlevoix" and share and like our Facebook posts so the word gets out.
While we intend to take the necessary cleaning and medical precautions, our first response as a faith community needs to be that of a deep trust in the peace and grace of God. In the midst of widespread anxiety and fear, we as the church are called to speak into that which we don't understand or control with a sense of calm that God is our Creator, Sustainer, and Protector. We must be ready to advocate for and consider the marginalized, sick, and vulnerable that will be impacted by this circumstance both locally and globally.
It is a reality that when church doors close, giving as a discipline tends to falter. At CRC, we believe that giving is a crucial part of living as a disciple and we want to remind you of several ways you can enjoy this act of worship despite not being physically gathered on a Sunday. Since the office will still be open during normal office hours, you are welcome to drop off or mail an envelope with your offering.
In Psalm 46, we are reminded that it is God who is our refuge and strength, and our ever-present help in trouble! Please join us in praying for those who are impacted by COVID-19, as well as those who are working tirelessly to curb the spread of this virus.
In Christ,